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Elsa Brants.

Elsa Brants was born in Montpellier, France. At 12, she was secretly influenced by the unlikely mix of Gotlib and Rumiko Takahashi, and started working on her first story on weekends and holidays (that has now more than 900 pages and still no ending).
She then decided to devote her life to Comics.
Ten years later, Elsa completed her first series “Les chroniques de Magon” with Guillaume Lapeyre. She drew her first manga on Greek myths, “Save Me Pythie”.
In 2019, she returned with an autobiographical one-shot titled “Par Le Pouvoir des dessins animés” which tells her story and explains how manga has become so well-established in France.
In 2023, she was invited to the traveling Comic Arts Festival Les Troubadours in Seattle and was part of the jury of the Concours BD International.
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